December 20, 2012

Speak India, Speak for yourself

The first cry out of the mother’s womb and ‘she’ is considered as the sole burden for the rest of her life. It has been a tough fight, the fight between who will survive and who would reign. The society has so far been divided into the dichotomy of gender. A ‘Female’ since ages is classified in a life that is shameful, useless and barren in its very nature; that atrocious plight they have been put into since birth. The place we all inhabit is proud of its heritage and the fragrance of its very culture. But have we ever thought and analyzed that how life has been treating women across this planet? Have we ever pondered over millions of the women in the past that had been a part of the sinful practice as Sati? Have we ever gathered ourselves up to look out of the comfortable window of our balcony at the maid who works tirelessly through day and night and yet is treated no better than a mule? No, we haven’t as we are the only passive agents in the society who have been busy in the commercialized aspect of time.

It may seem strange to many when I talk about an age old practice of Sati, in a time like today. But, this is significant to be talked about as the society has ritually been practicing such acts like witch burning till seventeenth century and Sati till the end of the nineteenth century but the important question is that has it been demolished completely or not? Women have always been silenced to death or drugged and a new category like Subaltern has been defining them. I actually don’t see such practices coming to an end; in fact they have been gradually substituted. Probably, if innocent creatures are not considered as witches but are burnt to death for dowry, or if they become widows then they are not Sati but they fit into a taboo in the society which configures them as Divorced/ Separated/Widowed. If the woman today has a boyfriend then she does not possess a good character, she is wild if she speaks back and she is raped if she wears the clothes you find revealing. The ultimate question remains the same; why can’t we as a society let them breathe freely, or why this tagging is always something which has to happen so naturally.

By such stamping of what role a woman has to play in time, we are indulged only in conditioning their lives. It is the same society that takes oath to provide relaxation to women in the fields of education, work, and in fact allow them to grow out of the shell and walk parallel to the other gender in the society, yet  a woman’s individuality has sadly been marked on the basis of her relationship status if put in contemporary context. It is the same society which is constituted of both females and males, thus it would be somewhere incorrect to blame patriarchy to be the only unhealthy concept especially today. One cannot blame patriarchy if we look at the other side of the coin that what a woman is doing for another woman. When she lay on the road nude and injured did one single woman came to help her, or to at least see what could she have been facing? It is essential for one woman to speak for another; it is always the people in the society who have to help each other so leave alone the questions of man or a woman.

We women need to speak first, before even men speak for us. We need to fight domestic violence, we need to retreat back if we are forced for dowry and we need to shout back if we are silenced as Subalterns. We are women, and we need to prove the strength of this gender and importance of our living, breaking the barrier of conditioning. It is about every small thing from the burning, torturing, raping or any such derogatory act, it is for living and living like a human.


  1. So very true. The change that you (and me as well) want is an ongoing process. Things are improving as a whole, though the speed at which it is happening leaves a lot to be desired.

    Loved your thoughts and the template... keep going :)

  2. Thank you very much. Keep visiting! Pls share it on with your friends.

  3. Finally, Indian women are speaking out their minds, they are out in the open to fight for what is right. This whole bloody social construct which has been feeding off the ignorance, hypocrisy and orthodox mindset of the people has to be demolished. The only thing which can provide us a social stability which is required is a massive transformation of the way the whole society perceives and contemplates the importance of women. Keep writing! Your thoughts are moving!
